Sunday, April 27, 2008


k so i was lookin at all ur guyses blogs and they all say stuff about how amazing evry1 is... so i was like hey i dont really talk about or have that on my blog alot lol. so i decided that i would write this! k so since there r so many awesome people that have influenced my life and blessed me so much!!!! im gonna cover u all by sayin it the easy way lol (but hey thats just me) so here it is! ALL OF U R SOOOOOOSOSOSO AWESOME!!! and i luv u all so much... well... lol jk i really do even though some 1 might not really think that i dont luv u all the time its cuz its true! lol JKJK! no u guys r so SHWEET! so if anytime any of u think that im goin over board on bein mean... JUST SLAP ME IN THE FACE!!! LOL (or it might not take as much energy 2 just say "hey austen *blah blah blah*" ahaha! ) but have it ur way! lol k well luv u guys! c u in heaven! lol jkjk im not killing myself!!!!! so dont take that wrong i just thought it would be funny....onvm! ig2g BY BYE NOW!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My "most recent" crashes!

k so i almost died! twice! lol well here is the story which regretably is embarressing! lol... anyways here it is! k so i was havin fun in my back yard ridin bikes and "extremely dangerous tricycles!!!" and i was chasin my little bro ayden with a "killer" tricycle! killer as in it kills people! yes it does... k anyways i was goin along purtty fast and um... i was startin 2 turn while goin fast u see... and then the pedal of the "awesomely manly pink white and purple death tricycle" hit the concrete ground and instantly STOPPED the darn tricycle! so if u r smart enough 2 realize what happened next then good 4 u! cuz sometimes the laws of motion and gravity just screw up some stuff! but... say u have no idea what would happen!...i flew over the handle bars... far...! so i was like "AHHHHHHH!" and i was thinkin 2 my self "ummm... this cant be good..." so then i landed... and i didnt like the landin anymore then the flyin in the air...cuz i landed ON MY HEAD!!! and so like the side of was grated like a cheese grater on the sidewalk! yes... ow is right! so i sraped my head and shoulder and back and then rolled into the grass! yeah it hurt and even looked like it hurt! but did madisen, natalie, ayden and averie even think about helpin me!? of course not! i just died and they r LAUGHIN at me! so i got a little angry and yelled "THIS ISNT FRICKEN FUNNY!!! IM DEAD!" lol so they were all "O..." so ayden was like "r u bleeding?" i was like "probly but whatever..." so anyways thats my first story of how i DIED! aha now the second time i died was pretty fun actually! lol but more painful!... but pain is good! except 4 when pain hurts... lol so anyways here is story # 2! yes im not done yet lol! k so i was playin with christian trout cuz he came over and we went outside to play. and i had this rope that i tied to my bike and i liked holdin onto it while some1 pull me on my skate board! it is awesome! and trysten ross and i took turns pullin eachother! it is so much fun! but trysten and ross dont like it as much as i do! lol its cuz they r scared! lol so i was like "hey christian pull me with my bike" and he was like "K!" so we were crusin then there was this hill and i was like "go as fast as u can!" bad mistake!... lol but it was fun until i died... again! lol so i we were like goin super fast... i mean really fast! and my skateboard went crazy and i got speed wobbles! 4 those of u that dont know what that is... its when u go 2 fast and your board gets all wobbly! and u cant controll it lol. so no "speed wobbles" r not when u r on speed (the sniffing kind that is lol) and u get wobbly and fall over! lol! AHAHA! so anyways! i was goin fast, i got speed wobbles, and what was i supposed 2 do! i was like "OMG im gonna die! again..." so i flew off my board! i flew 4 like 7 feet! and landed! on my side! so i fell and rolled on the black dirty death assfault!! REALLY fast! i did alot of rolls! i like rolled perfectly tho so my "precious" (i dont hink my face is precious by the way i just said precious 4 the effect lol) face didnt get ripped off my skull! lol and then i just landed on my feet! like really quick lol! but man was i in pain!!! ugggh! i still feel pain! but i wish i couldve got it on film! man that would have been awesome! but christian thought it looked funny! just like my family! i was left 2 die! again...! but it was fu... o crap i gotta go! i need 2 wrap it up! lol it was fun, it hurt like a mother, i loved it except 4 the pain part, and i hope u liked the storys!!! AHA BYE BYE NOW!

Monday, April 7, 2008

ummmm... what do i call this *blank mindedness*

k so i was told 2 write 25 things... i really dont know what the 25 things r about... but ill so um r they like 25 things that i like best or somethin? aha well if they r then... i really dont have a favorite thing of anythin cuz i like ALOT of stuff!... and im just lazy... lol but seriously um... i dont have a single favorite of anythin so... yea lol sorry. but hey! now we can talk about how dumb i am!!! YAYA! thats always a fun subject isnt it!! :)